slide off

Tarkoititko: sliippari

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


englanti To leaveVerb leave a place, a meeting, etc., without being noticeVerb noticed; to slip away, slip off.


1974 June, (w), (w), London: (w), (ISBN); republished in w:Smiley Versus Karla|The Quest for Karla, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1982, (ISBN), page 162:
Soon as he could, he slid off to Jim's rooms to make sure he'd left nothing around that a journalist might pick on if a journalist were clever enough to make the connection, Ellis to Prideaux.
2003, (w), “The Nervous Nineties”, in I Didnt Get Where I Am Today: An Autobiography'', London: w:Heinemann (publisher)|Heinemann, (ISBN); republished London: Arrow Books, w:Random House|The Random House Group, 2004, (ISBN), page 444:
Susan and I slid off to an Indian restaurant in Shepherd's Bush, and I slid off on to the floor.
(quote-book)|date=16 December 2010|page=10|pageurl=|isbn=978-1-4269-5262-3|passage=As Simone and the crowd praised Drew I slid off to the back hurt, ashamed, and pissed off.
(quote-book)|date=8 January 2013|isbn=978-0-7653-2757-4|passage=I slid off to follow her and I heard the scrape of a board on snow.
(quote-book)|date=27 February 2014|page=103|pageurl=|isbn=978-1-4918-6513-2|passage=If you knew your girl was sliding off with the next dude you telling me you wouldn't negatively react?


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